Creating culinary memories in Mallorca…

At Chef George, we believe in the power of good, solid ingredients and the joy they bring to life. Our culinary journey began with a love for food, evolving into a commitment to providing exquisite dining experiences on the beautiful island of Mallorca.

Our Vision

Chef George is not just a culinary experience; it's a celebration of local, sustainable, and inclusive gastronomy. Drawing inspiration from a passion for food and a commitment to health, Chef George crafts unforgettable moments, pushing the boundaries of tradition while embracing simplicity.

The vision is to be the best-kept secret of those who know the island, offering an exclusive and personalised culinary journey that leaves a lasting impression.

Our Style

Simplicity is our strength. We work with locally sourced, organic, and sustainable produce to create dishes that redefine traditional flavors. Our menu is a celebration of creativity, where every bite tells a story.

Private & Personal

A perfect fit…

Are you seeking a private chef for an unforgettable evening in Mallorca? Chef George caters to those who appreciate great food, value sustainable practices, and desire a hassle-free, exclusive experience.

Whether you have dietary restrictions or preferences, Chef George caters inclusively.

Behind the Kitchen —

Check out our blog for recipes, great playlists for in and out of the kitchen, and so much more!